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Oct 30, 2012

Football training in Kosovo overcomes language barriers

28.10.2012. Dragash
Children of all communities from 7 to 18 years old train several times a week for the regional league. There is no disagreement and intolerance. Even the language poses no barrier, because the language of football is understood by all.

Dragash municipality is located in the south of Kosovo. The municipality of Dragash is a multiethnic community in which they live Albanians (Opolje), Gorani and Bosniaks (Gora).
As a least developed municipalities in Kosovo is facing a number of challenges (employment, migration, etc).
After the war in Kosovo, the relationship between the community was tense. But always the Albanians and Bosniaks and Gorani lived as brothers.

Winner II, a football club that is registered this year is proof that communities overcome disagreements and tensions and that they want to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors.
Football club to compete in a lower rank in the regional league, and so far achieved solid results. The league and clubs participating from Prizren, Orahovac, Suva Reka, Mamusha, Malishevo.

Children of all communities from 7 years to 18 week training several times and play a match in the regional league. There is no disagreement and intolerance. Even the language poses no barrier, because the language of football all understand.

Young coach, Djabir Mehmedi, is trying to make the best transfer their knowledge and experience to their young players. He says that every beginning is difficult, but that he hoped that the club will survive despite financial problems.

Stadium Club is located on the outskirts of Dragash, and thanks to the parents of young soccer players, was placed in service.

We live in an underdeveloped municipality and we are aware of all the difficulties. We thank the municipality to us was helpful and gave us the use of a mini bus which we use in our play away. Still looking for a permanent donor, which would facilitate us some work - says coach Mehmedi.

Scenes of late autumn

After a warm period, this days it is raining. 

Nature is slowly preparing for winter.

All photos are photographed with a mobile phone
Nokia N73.
Roadway Krushevo - Globocica - 28.10.2012.
( Dragash municipality )

Oct 12, 2012

Published photos

My photos have been published in magazines, web sites, forums, and various other exhibitions.
After my authorization my photos were published.
However, there are people who publish the photos without asking permission. Kosovo is still not implemented the law on intellectual property so that these people have their own coverage.

The same is the case with the Internet network, many internet sites works by photography fit without approval by the author.


Facebook groups most abuse photos. Posting photographs and allegations without the author's name.

This is our daily routine. Our community wants to be modern, but deep down we have for old-fashioned and grotesque features. A photographer is misunderstood, and is subject to all sorts of accusations.

Lately, because of these situations, try to avoid photographing public gatherings (weddings and other joy).

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