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May 24, 2013


1. Area and Population
The municipality of Dragash/Dragaš is located in southern Kosovo. It covers an area of approximately 435
km² and includes Dragash/Dragaš town and 35 villages.
According to the Kosovo Population and Housing Census 2011 the total population is 33,997.

Dragash new mosque

May 18, 2013

Puppies - Shar Mountain Dog (Sharplaninac)

The Šarplaninac or Šarplaninec is a large, strongly built dog. The body is slightly longer than the height at the withers, and the front legs account for approximately 55% of the height. The head is large but proportional to the body, with dark eyes.
The Šarplaninac is a robust, well proportioned dog with plenty of bone, of a size that is well above the average and with a thick, long, rather coarse coat that emphasizes the short coupled appearance. They are about 38–55 kg and 70 to 82 cm. Although much larger dogs do exist which can reach up to 80 kg - most of these "giants" are probably of mixed breed origins and probably not pure.

The coat is dense, about 4 inches (10 cm) in length, and can be rough or smooth.
All Šarplaninac are solid in colour: fawn, iron grey, white or almost black; usually sable or gray with darker "overalls" on the head and back, the undercoat being paler. The colour need not be completely uniform, and most Šarplaninac have several different shades of the same colour fading into one another. There are no bicolours and no uniformly black-coated dogs among purebreds, but odd-coloured specimens do exist. The dogs must not have large white patches in their coat.

 The temperament of the breed is described as independent, reliable, protective but not snappy, incorruptible and devoted to its master. The breed is aloof with outsiders, and calm until a threat to the flock presents itself. The breed has an extremely protective nature. In the absence of a flock of sheep, the Šarplaninac will often treat its humans as sheep - herding them away from danger or undesirable areas. They are serene and majestic, gentle with children and smaller dogs. They are also highly intelligent and bred to work without human supervision while guarding the flocks in the high pastures. Young pups can kill small animals until trained not to hunt.

Like many of its cousin Mountain dogs, the Šarplaninac is a very serious and dedicated guard dog. Due to this, they are naturally suspicious of strangers and will need good socializing at a young age to lessen this innate personality trait. They are calm and gentle with their family but when faced with danger they become a formidable foe, not a suitable breed for all. Consistent and firm training is essential to ensure compliance.

Text from

May 14, 2013


 Photographed with:
Nikon D90 - Nikon AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-105mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR
Nikon D3000 - Sigma 70-300mm F/4-5.6 APO DG Macro

May 11, 2013

Svečano otvoren granični prelaz Kruševo-Šištavec

Objavljeno: 10.05.2013.
Autor: Admir Idrizi   

U prisustvu zvaničnika Kosova i Albanije

Na zajedničkoj tačci Kosova i Albanije danas je svečano otvoren granični prelaz za motorna vozila Kruševo-Šištavec.

Svečanosti su prisustvovali ministri unutrašnjih poslova Kosova i Albanije Bajram Rexhepi i Flamur Noka, lokalni zvaničnici dveju pograničnih opština Dragaša i Šičtevaca, kao i mnogobrojni građani. 

Otvaranje ovog graničnog prijelaza dio je konkretne realizacije Sporazuma o pograničnoj policijskoj saradnju između dviju zemalja koji predviđa otvaranje i drugih prijelaza. Prema sporazumu, građani koji putuju za Albaniju ili ka Kosovu imaće samo jednu kontrolu na ulazu ili izlazu iz zemlje.

Ministar unutrašnjih poslova Albanije Flamur Noka je prilikom otvaranja ovog graničnog prijelaza naglasio da je ovo još jedan važan korak u daljnjem razvoju odnosa između Republike Kosovo i Republike Albanije.
"Danas, zajedno s velikom radošću otvaramo ovaj novi most zajedništva i komunikacije, ostavljajući iza sebe prošlost, kao gorak podsjetnik i da se nikada više neće ponoviti, rekao je Noka.

Bajram Rexhepi, ministar unutrašnjih poslova Republike Kosovo, je  istaknuo činjenicu da će otvaranje ovog prijelaza olakšati život i saradnju stanovnika koji žive u ovim ruralnim područjima i koji su tokom zime imali dosta poteškoća u komunikaciji.
"Novi granični prijelaz će omogućiti bolju komunikaciju, bolju razmjenu i bolje snabdjevanje na obje strane, a istovremeno će biti spriječeni ilegalni prelasci", rekao je Rexhepi.

Put od Kruševa do granice u dužini od 3 km je makadamski ali se uskoro planira njegovo asfaltiranje.

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