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May 7, 2012

Gorani Muslims celebrate Orthodox St George's Day - Kosovo


In the south of Kosovo live Gorani.
Several thousand Gorani near Vranishta village celebrate the orthodox St. George's holiday. Gorani are Muslim by religion, but this holiday is still celebrated as a leftover from pagan times.
In the past, in these days of contracted marriages, which is now less frequent case. St George's Day is marked by three days in Gorani villages with different customs and folklore festivals which celebrate the end of winter and beginning of spring.
Today the Gorani used for political purposes, and the claim by the Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians and others.

Gorani women in traditional costumes

Serbian elections in Kosovo


In Kosovo today to vote in the Serbian presidential and parliamentary elections and at 28 locations, and at 90 polling stations north and south of the Ibar.
OSCE in Pristina, the mission that is otherwise neutral towards the status of Kosovo, achieved with the government in Pristina and Belgrade agreement to organize the Serbian elections in Kosovo.
While Serbian officials say that the OSCE will only monitor the elections, the Government of Kosovo claim that the OSCE will hold elections in accordance with the laws of Kosovo.

To polling stations in the village Vranishta in the municipality Dragash,was opened with some delay, and so far has been minor irregularities.
In the village Vranishta are locatet parallel Serbian municipalities, Gora.

The people who come to a vote to not allow anyone photographed them, for fear that later have some problems.

Polling place in Vranishta village, municipality of Dragash
Polling place in Vranishta village, municipality of Dragash

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