Stock Photos

Feb 22, 2012

Something about photography

A soldier on duty
Everything I write on this blog is my opinion, it is not impossible that I was right. First of all, I would like to write a few details about photos that might be useful. The human eye itself is lazy, but then again, sight uninterrupted playing a dominant role in our perception. But, again, human vision has the power to see that all three-dimensional, a photograph is two dimensional. For this reason, it often happens that a scene that you see and it looks really fascinating, the picture looks quite average, or pleasant, but not particularly interesting.
This is one of the common problems that occur in the beginning. Later, with experience, this problem disappears. This what you should also pay attention to the human eye sees everything subconsciously from right to left. It should be taken into account when creating the frame and sets the composition. Everything is on the photograph represents the elements that create the composition. So, everything is there, the compositional fabric photos. In addition to what is in the photograph is, staff in the design and composition, and location photographers involved, ie where the scene is viewed. Once the photo has too much detail, photo turns chaotic, so you do not see what the author wanted to say. The point is lost. The position of the body is a powerful tool in the effort to frame more interesting and original compositions and strong. Just the way it is in the eye of the beholder and inspires him.
It is good that the staff and come up with a composition in advance, compared to what we see ahead. Displays on digital cameras really help a lot in it.


 Sve što napišem na ovom blogu je moje mišljenje, pa nije nemoguće da nisam u pravu. Pre svega, želeo bih da napišem nekoliko detalja u vezi fotografije koji mogu da budu korisni.  Ljudsko oko samo po sebi je lenjo, a opet, vid neprekidno ima dominantnu ulogu u našoj percepciji. No, opet, ljudski  vid ima moć da sve vidi trodimenzionalno, a fotografija je dvodimenzionalna. Iz tog razloga, vrlo često se dešava, da neki prizor koji ugledate i izgleda zaista fascinantno, na fotografiji izgleda sasvim prosečno, ili prijatno, ali ne i posebno zanimljivo.

To je jedan od čestih problema koji se javljaju u početku. Kasnije, s iskustvom, taj problem nestaje. Ono na šta takođe treba obratiti pažnju je to da ljudsko oko podsvesno sve gleda s desna na levo. To treba uzimati u obzir, kad se kreira kadar i postavlja kompozicija. Sve što se nalazi na fotografiji predstavlja elemente koji kreiraju kompoziciju.  Dakle, sve što je tu, gradivno je tkivo fotografije. Uz ono što se na fotografiji nalazi, u kreiranju kadra i kompozicije, učestvuje i položaj fotografa, tj. odakle se  scena posmatra. Kad na fotografiji ima previše detalja,  fotografija ispadne haotična ( kakafonična ), pa se i ne vidi šta je autor hteo da kaže. Poenta se izgubi. Položaj tela je moćno sredstvo u nastojanju da se kadar učini zanimljivijim a kompozicija originalnom i jakom. Baš onakvom kakva je u oku posmatrača i inspiriše ga.

Dobro je da se kadar i kompozicija smisle unapred, u odnosu na ono što vidimo ispred sebe. Displeji na digitalnim fotoaparatima zaista dosta pomažu u tome.


Difficult traffic
The road to Restelica
Lonely tree
A powerful photo

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