Tekst je napisan 14.februara 2012.godine
Postoje dani kada
želimo reči puno toga, ali nam reči veoma teško izlaze a ruke nam jedva stoje
na tastaturi.
Tragedija u
Restelici je neka pouka za sve nas. Medđutim, mentalitet goranski niti je
izvukao pouku niti je nešto od svega toga naučio. Specifični smo u negativnom
smisli, prosti i veoma plitki u bilo kom pogledu.
Tokom akcije
spašavanja na momenat sam razmišljao o svemu, misli su mi bile u potpunom
rasulu. U određenim trenutcima sam se vraćao u realnost i što je još čudnije,
smejao sam se. Smejao sam se ljudima koji su sa skrivenim namerama i pokvarenim
idejama tobož radili i po(od )magali.
Hvalili su se ko
je prvi stigao na mesto nesreće, ko je koliko lopate snega bacio i ko je koliko
hrane i pića „poklonio“. Prepričavali su događaj i upotrebljavali stručne
termine tako da je čovek na trenutak pomišljao da sluša predavanja eminentnih
profesora, hvalio je samo gromoglasni aplauz zadivljenih studenata.
Svi su bili
raspoloženi za priču ( izuzev ljudi koji su stvarno došli da pomognu, a bilo ih
je u manjini ), nijedan od njih nije ispuštao iz ruke unikatne lopate, jer
žalosno bi bilo da se nevrate kući.
Ljudskog li
apsurda, stoje iznad 11 zatrpanih osoba i čuvaju svoje lopate.
Stoje iznad 11
zatrpanih osoba i raduju se kada pronađu krpice, a još više se raduju kada
pronađu minđuše ili prstenje.
Različiti smo, i
hvala Bogu što je tako.
Misli mi ponovo lutaju,
osećam u pisanju. Vraćam se da pročitam ono što sam napisao malopre. Slova
udružena u neku celinu nose sa sobom neku poruku. Poruku za one koji žele da
razumeju i koji razmišljaju drugačije.
Zaključak u ovom
kratkom tekstu je suvišan. Sam tekst je i uvod i razrada i zaključak. Možda je
tako i bolje, delotvornije.
are days when we want to say much, but our words are very difficult to go out and hands us hardly stand on the keyboard.
Tragedy in Restelica is a lesson for all of us. However, Gorani mentality nor pulled a lesson or something learned from all this. Specific we come up negative, simple and very shallow in any way.
During the rescue operation at the moment I thought about it, my mind was in complete disarray. At certain moments I was back to reality and what is even stranger, I laughed. I laughed for people who are with hidden intentions and corrupt ideas ostensibly worked and helped (hindrance).
They were praised who first arrived at the accident site, who is as much snow shovel and threw it like how much food and drink "given." Retold the event and used the technical terms so that the man thought for a moment to listen to lectures by eminent professors, praised just thunderous applause astonished students.
They were all a mood for a story (except for people who have really come to help, and they were in the minority), none of them let go of the hand unique shovels, because it would be sad not to return home.
Human absurdity, are buried more than 11 people and they keep own shovels.
Standing above the 11 people buried and they rejoice when they find cloths, and even more happy when they find earrings or rings.
We are different, and thank God that is so.
My thoughts wander back, I feel in writing. I'll be back to read what I wrote retail. The letters combined into a whole carry a message. Message for those who want to understand and to think otherwise.
Conclusion In this short article is redundant. The text of the introduction and elaboration and conclusion. Maybe so better, more effective.
Tragedy in Restelica is a lesson for all of us. However, Gorani mentality nor pulled a lesson or something learned from all this. Specific we come up negative, simple and very shallow in any way.
During the rescue operation at the moment I thought about it, my mind was in complete disarray. At certain moments I was back to reality and what is even stranger, I laughed. I laughed for people who are with hidden intentions and corrupt ideas ostensibly worked and helped (hindrance).
They were praised who first arrived at the accident site, who is as much snow shovel and threw it like how much food and drink "given." Retold the event and used the technical terms so that the man thought for a moment to listen to lectures by eminent professors, praised just thunderous applause astonished students.
They were all a mood for a story (except for people who have really come to help, and they were in the minority), none of them let go of the hand unique shovels, because it would be sad not to return home.
Human absurdity, are buried more than 11 people and they keep own shovels.
Standing above the 11 people buried and they rejoice when they find cloths, and even more happy when they find earrings or rings.
We are different, and thank God that is so.
My thoughts wander back, I feel in writing. I'll be back to read what I wrote retail. The letters combined into a whole carry a message. Message for those who want to understand and to think otherwise.
Conclusion In this short article is redundant. The text of the introduction and elaboration and conclusion. Maybe so better, more effective.
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